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DCA protocols


DCA protocol - most apple cultivars (English) 121.92 KB 16 downloads

DCA protocol - most apple cultivars (English) ...

DCA protocol 'Delicious' apple (English) 169.96 KB 4 downloads

DCA protocol 'Delicious' apple (English) ...

DCA protocol 'Cripps Pink' (Pink Lady) apple (English) 178.28 KB 4 downloads

DCA protocol 'Cripps Pink' (Pink Lady) apple (English) ...

DCA protocol 'Honeycrisp' apple (English) 177.05 KB 13 downloads

DCA protocol 'Honeycrisp' apple (English) ...

DCA protocol 'Fuji' apple (English) 177.04 KB 8 downloads

DCA protocol 'Fuji' apple (English) ...

DCA protocol - most apple cultivars (French) 171.09 KB 3 downloads

DCA protocol - most apple cultivars (French) ...

DCA protocol 'Delicious' apple (French) 171.19 KB 1 downloads

DCA protocol 'Delicious' apple (French) ...

Summaries of current knowledge


CA storage of apples and pears Part 2: Storage oxygen recommendations 454.56 KB 57 downloads

License disclaimerExcept where otherwise noted, the content by Robert Prange (Ph.D.)...

CA storage of apples and pears Part 1: Storage temperature recommendations 327.53 KB 70 downloads

License disclaimerExcept where otherwise noted, the content by Robert Prange (Ph.D.)...

    HarvestWatch Users Bulletins

    Research Publications


    Mouton et al. 2021. Comparison of CA storage technologies using O2 values and fruit quality. CAMA21 Conference poster. 2.07 MB 79 downloads

    Abstract. Increasingly, apples are stored under low oxygen conditions, such as controlled...

    Wright and Prange. 2023. The effect of aminoethoxyvinylglycine and dynamic controlled atmosphere on the storage of ‘Bartlett’ pear 671.63 KB 23 downloads

    Abstract. Storage trials of 4 and 8 month duration, using ‘Bartlett’ pear (Pyrus...

    Prange and Wright 2023 Review of storage temperature recommendations for apples and pears 1.71 MB 23 downloads

    Abstract: An exploration of the range of expert opinions on the optimum storage temperature...

    HarvestWatch User’s Manual

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