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Research publications

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Lafer, G. 2011. Effect of different storage conditions on storability and fruit quality of organically grown 'Uta' pears. Act Hort. 909:757-760. 289.83 KB 11 downloads

Lafer, G. 2011. Effect of different storage conditions on storability and fruit quality...

Prange, R.K., J.M. DeLong and A. H. Wright. 2010. Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Applications in postharvest horticulture. Chronica Hort. 50 (1):13-16. 1.24 MB 25 downloads

Prange, R.K., J.M. DeLong and A. H. Wright. 2010. Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Applications...

Prange, R.K., J.M. DeLong and A.H. Wright. 2011. Storage of pears using dynamic controlled atmosphere (DCA), a non-chemical method. Acta Hort. 909:707-718. 1.66 MB 23 downloads

Prange, R.K., J.M. DeLong and A.H. Wright. 2011. Storage of pears using dynamic controlled...

Prange, R.K., J.M. DeLong and A.H. Wright. 2012. Improving our understanding of storage stress using chlorophyll fluorescence. Acta Hort. 945:89-96. 659.57 KB 24 downloads

Prange, R.K., J.M. DeLong and A.H. Wright. 2012. Improving our understanding of storage...

Zanella, A., P. Cazzanelli, A. Panarese, M. Coser, M. Cecchinel and O. Rossi. 2005. 401.22 KB 19 downloads

Fruit fluorescence response to low oxygen stress: Modern storage technologies compared...

Bartsch and Blanpied 1990 Refrigeration and Controlled Atmosphere 4.09 MB 16 downloads

Storage for Horticultural Crops. NRAES-22 Bulletin ...
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